Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Questions for TV Tomorrow Articles

- All Answers By: James Wrona

Questions for "Reinventing Television"

1) What will happen to the future TV according to the article “Reinventing Television.”

- What will happen to the future of TV has already started so the author was very much so right. The author said that it will eventually become something that we can watch on a variety of different mediums as opposed to just the TV. Today, you can watch TV shows online, legally or otherwise, on your phone, on your video game consoles, etc.

2) How does the digital convergence make the individualization of TV consumption possible?

- Because of this digital convergence, the individualization of TV consumption is possible because you no longer have to abide by a TV schedule. You can search up, "Watch Survivor online," at anytime as opposed to having to make sure you are at your TV set on Wednesdays at 9 PM. It really is amazing what the Internet and digital convergence is capable of.

3) When talking about the Internet, why does Steward emphasize on the content that matters regardless where it stands?

- As we have learned about countless times before, the idea of media illiteracy is very dangerous. So, being aware of the content of the material you are accessing on the Internet is incredibly important. It's as simple as that. It is crucial.

Questions for "Yahoo"

1) How does the Internet change the TV programming in the industry?

- Simply put, the TV is not the only place you can watch TV anymore. You can watch it anywhere now. I personally always miss my shows and catch up on them online. You can watch them legally on such sites as Hulu or you can go deeper and use torrents or illegal viewing sites. TV does not hold the monopoly on entertainment anymore. The internet is just as important for people to catch up on their shows as the TV is especially because they don't have to abide by the schedule that the TV has.

2) What makes Yahoo the fifth network that illustrates the process of digital convergence?

- Yahoo is an incredible tool for digital convergence. It is available on any form of a medium and it promotes interactivity like crazy. It is all about people searching and encouraging others to do the same. It features trending searches to get people interested in something they may not have otherwise been interested in. Yahoo is almost the epitome of digital media convergence, to be frank.

3) How does Yahoo’s search engine work to search videos?

- They have teamed up with other companies to open up over 50 years of television and film archives and have made it readily accessible through Yahoo's search engine technology and has been made faster, simpler, and more efficient. This allows them to deliver videos, pictures, and all different forms of media at the press of a button.

Questions for "ESPN"

4) Please use digital convergence to explain ESPN programming of the football games.

- By cooperating with a variety of other sources to provide their information from a variety of other text and video sources, they are able to stream the media to a variety of mediums. For example, you are now able to watch a football game live with all the varying statistics from your mobile phone while you are on the go. They pull in data from a variety of other sources and feed that to us along with the live media as well. Eventually, all of these mediums lead back to the Internet where all of this information can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, and at any time.

5) Why is ESPY no longer a TV company but a media company? What makes this shift possible?

- As I mentioned before, TV is not the big head it used to be a long time ago. Now, ESPNY has realized that and is providing themselves to a variety of mediums. The reason they did this, and what made this shift possible, was that they needed to expand and TV was, simply put, not the proper means to do that. In today's world, they knew that expanding to the Internet and mobile devices was much more than going to a TV. The Internet has made this all possible by incorporating all the different forms of media and placing it all on one medium: the Internet.

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