Sunday, February 17, 2013

Blogging on Politics: New Gun Control Laws

Amounts of mass shootings in the U.S. since 1999
           As we are all well aware, school shootings and other forms of gun violence have been rapidly increasing in the past few years hitting its maximum escalation in Sandy Hook, Connecticut this past year. Recently, Congress has finally been trying to put an end to the gun violence by enacting a new gun control law which attempts to make it much more challenging to be given a gun in the United States of America. They are trying to make it mandatory for people to submit to varying background checks in order to be cleared to legally purchase a gun. Of course, as we all know, there are areas in this country where it is easier to purchase a gun than others. For example, at gun shows, there is absolutely no checking of any kind required to purchase a gun. However, from gun stores, it is a bit more complicated, but most people, especially after the tragic incident in Newtown, Connecticut, feel that even that is not enough. Recently, certain states, such as Colorado, New York, and others are going public with their support of the new gun control law.

            Obviously, such as with any debate there are varying sides to it with different opinions on the matter for each side. The people who are most in opposition to the new gun control law are people who stand by the Second Amendment which gives people the right to bear arms. However, the people against it are making the argument that you can still bear arms but just not as easily as it has been in the past in an attempt to slow down the amounts of shootings that have happened in recent years. There are obviously extremists on both sides as well. On one side, people say to completely eliminate any and all checking and just give people guns when they ask for them. On the other extreme, people are trying to set up armed security guards at each and every school, which if I do say so myself goes against their very message.

Celebrities' "Demand a Plan" PSA

            I think that enacting a new gun law is definitely necessary but let's not go too crazy here. Yes. You should enact a law that makes it mandatory for background checks to ensure that nobody that has been pronounced criminally insane can gain access to a gun. However, a bunch of things are illegal and it doesn't stop people from getting them. So, completely making gun possession illegal is almost worse than having them legal with restrictions. People deserve the right to have protection from people and guns are the only definite way to have protection in today's world. It's a mean world out there and people are going to try to hurt you: you need your protection. How we handle this gun control law will have a huge impact on how safe it is to live in the United States of America. There's no doubt in my mind about that. I hope that the people in Congress handle this with the utmost of care because it's a very big decision: one way or the other.



  1. Very interesting input. The ambiguity in the middle passage sleights readers of information, though it is clear in the last passage of your perspective and standing. Good read and well-written.

  2. Nice ideas! I thought it was very interesting!

  3. Very nice. It is about time someone talked about gun control.
